Trumpet Rental

CALL US TODAY (586) 774-9870

Eastside Music is your headquarters for quality trumpet rental

Quality is everything when it comes to getting off to a good start and we specialize in the rental of top quality trumpets. Eastside Music is southeast Michigan’s leader in trumpet rental. Our trumpet rental rates are reasonable and we make quality a priority. Dealing in reputable brands such as, King, Conn, Holton, Jupiter, Bach, Getzen, Blessing, and Olds. Our convenient rent-to-own program makes it easy and affordable to own your new trumpet. You can come into our store, call us at 586-774-9870, or even submit your rental order directly from our website. With online rentals, your trumpet will be conveniently delivered directly to your school! Eastside Music is the leading source for quality trumpet rental!

Rent an Instrument Online in Four Easy Steps

Tell us about your school
Tell us about the student
Tell Us about the parent
Provide a method of payment

Upon completion of the online rental process, the instrument will be conveniently delivered to your school. Call us at 586-774-9870 if you have any questions.